Release your body for lasting change
Our goal at Unwind Therapeutic Massage is to help people make lasting changes in their bodies that improve how they experience their everyday lives.
While we offer a wide range of massage modalities, we specialize in myofascial release because we have personally seen and experienced the profound changes this type of therapy can produce.
Traditional massage often treats symptoms without addressing the cause. Myofascial release considers the whole body, because the root of the problem is seldom where symptoms occur.
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Myofascial release is a connective tissue therapy used by physical therapists, occupational therapists, and massage therapists. It treats the fascial system, the connective tissue that wraps around every cell in your body in an interconnected web. Fascia constantly restructures itself to support you in whatever you do most. You can see living fascia in action here.
Fascia's unique properties mean that a simple thing like poor posture at your computer can result in your fascia reinforcing this position, eventually leading to your body becoming "stuck" in a dysfunctional pattern, causing pain. These fascial adhesions pull on the surrounding fascia. One fascial restriction can create a ripple effect through your entire body due to the interconnected nature of the fascial system.
Fascial restrictions are frequently a factor in chronic pain. They can result from an injury (even one that is decades old) or repetitive movements over the course of your job. They can also arise from emotions held in your body. Your body stores your experiences at the cellular level in the form of tissue memory, and traumas left untreated at the physical level can manifest in unexplained tension and pain.